P: 807 630 6884 F: 807 285 9038 E: chadclowerslp@gmail.com
Scope of Practice
Speech-language pathologists (S-LPs) and audiologists are essential to quality, person-centered, interprofessional concussion care.
(taken from: https://speechandhearing.ca/the-roles-of-speech-language-pathologists-audiologists-in-concussion-management/)
A speech-language pathologist (S-LP) can help you by assessing your symptoms relating to your communication (e.g. listening, understanding, following conversations, speaking, thinking of what to say, reading, writing) and cognition (thinking and slowed thinking, executive functions and/or processing information).
They provide direct therapy to help manage these symptoms and develop strategies to help you cope. S-LP’s can and do help to address the functional impact of concussion and brain injury such as the Return-to-School, Return-to-Learn, Return-to-Work and Return-to-Life process. S-LPs also support community reintegration and Social Communication (e.g. turn taking, unfiltered comments, changes in personality including irritability, short fuse etc, as well as things like being able to ‘think on your feet’, and responding quickly in conversation).
S-LP’s can and often do work as part of a multi-disciplinary management team. In choosing any practitioner, you will want to know what special training and experience they have, and how many patients they see with concussion and brain injury.
(taken from: https://www.osla.on.ca)​
Click the link below for further information regarding concussion management and the role of the Speech-Language Pathologist