P: 807 630 6884 F: 807 285 9038 E: ccslppc@gmail.com
Have you, a friend or a loved one been involved in a motor vehicle accident, workplace injury or personal injury ???
Since your injury ... do you suffer from any of the following physical, emotional or cognitive communication differences below?
If you do, you should contact us today!
-noise intolerance/sensitivity
-vision sensitivity/changes to vision
-ringing in the ears/tinnitus
-trouble sleeping/increased sleeping
-balance difficulties
Cognitive Communication
-difficulty concentrating
-difficulty attending
-difficulty following directions
-difficulty remembering information
-difficulty reading
-difficulty writing
-slurred speech
-difficulty word finding
-decreased processing
-difficulty with social skills
-disinterest in social activities/pursuits
-executive functions difficulty (organizing, deducting, planning, sequencing)
-feeling 'slowed down' or having 'brain fog' or being 'dazed'
-depression & low mood
-emotional lability/sadness
-increased anger
-increased or uncontrollable crying